A photo shoot with Emmy nominated actress Sofia Vergara | Emmys

My eyes are now wide open and I see the light. The fashion world is a crazy place! A few weeks ago I went up to New York City to do a behind the scenes video of USA Weekend's cover shoot of Sofia Vergara. She's the super funny comedian/actress who is on ABC's Modern Family. I've never seen the show, but it does have 17 Emmy nominations this year. So it's got to be good, right?

However, everything isn't peaches and cream for Vergara--at least on the day of our shoot. I think she was way over-scheduled and overworked and wasn't quite as personable or approachable as as she appears to be on TV. That said, I might be a little crabby if I had five different people telling me my schedule, what to wear, how to pose, etc, etc. Oh the life of stardom sure is tough!